I think we have all been there. Those gigs where we don’t take care of our vocal cords like we should. We take them for granted and hope they will get us through the show. We don’t think about the shows next weekend, or the week after that or the year to come. I am here to tell you that you should totally reconsider and look after those wind pipes of yours, especially if they are your money makers.
As well as looking after your voice, it might be a good time to consider if you have correct technique. Do you feel any pain after you sing, or can’t reach notes like you used to? Are you breathing properly or struggling with your pitch? You might need to get some singing lessons so you don’t do any permanent damage and have a long career with your voice.
So, you’ve probably rocked up to the gig, had a cheeky ciggy or beer and instead of prepping your voice you spent your time talking over loud crowds to your friends that came to see you play. You didn’t bother warming up and went into the gig cold because you were stressed trying to find a park on King Street, and then when you got to the venue you realised you had to go back to your car to get a parking ticket AND grab your merch suitcase. When you finally get to the gig and are on stage the guitar is too loud because you didn’t do a sound check and you find yourself over singing to compensate. When you belt it sounds like yelling and as the gig and goes on your voice gets more tired and shows in the third set of the night when your pitch is for better words, shit. When your mouth is dry you sip that sugary lemonade to hydrate yourself, and when you finish the gig your voice feels used and abused.
I have been there, done that. When I am tired, you can hear it in my voice and especially on stage with the haze its not ideal for your voice to crack or get a tickle and you have to constantly clear it. On tour I have found that it is incredibly crucial to take proper care of my voice. As a professional it's your duty to know how to care for your instrument. I’ve picked up some great habits that will hopefully stay with me for the rest of my career.
Whether you are doing a local gig or a tour, here are some tips that I do that might also help you keep your vocal cords in check. In general, try to maintain your health and sleep and leave time for a warm up routine. Sometimes you won’t have access to a kettle so you might have to plan ahead; like have a flask that you bring from home, or do your warm ups in your car on the way to the gig if you know you won't have time at the other end.
· Hydrate. I have a big water bottle that I carry with me and am constantly sipping on that. Warm water is best as cold water contracts the muscles. If I need an extra pickup I will add a Hydralyte sachet to my water.
· Steam your throat with hot water. I have a little inhaler I picked up from a chemist and I think you can find travel steamers. They are really handy and I found them really useful in the cold weather.
· Warm Up. I have a 20 minute warm up routine that I do. I have had a friend suggest warming up before sound check or earlier in the day. Gentle humming and scales are usually good.
· Stay away from alcohol, caffeine and sugary drinks. They can dry you out and you don’t want that, you want heaps of moisture. Some herbal teas are ok but pay attention if they dry you out.
· Stretch. Relax! Get ready to enjoy the gig and focus!
· Depending on how my throat is feeling I will steam again or gargle with salt water to ward off any infections I feel coming on. Also having a teaspoon of manuka honey is good. See my wellness drink post for a killer immune booster.
· Warm downs. Try some gentle buzzing and humming.
· Avoid yelling and talking really loud.
· Try and stay warm if its cold out. Touring in the winter season in Europe I’ve had to make sure I always wear a scarf and keep my throat covered!
If you have any secret tips, feel free to comment and share them!