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Writer's picture: Lozz BensonLozz Benson

Supplementing can assist with your general well-being on tour, and learning to listen to your body and what it needs is a skill that will benefit you in the long run.

When you are doing shows every night and travelling lots, it’s easy to get run down or pick up a bug that you would not normally be exposed to. I found that on tour was the time I supplemented the most. Now that I think about it, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to carry these around for a weekend gig or shorter tour. Along with trying to drink heaps of water and get your fresh fruit or a salad in every day, taking supplements can aid in boosting your immunity and energy – two things which you might find yourself lacking in after months of being on the road.

I’ve spent the last three months touring Australia, Japan, Europe and America. Airports, hotels, buses, green rooms. Time differences, border crossings, late nights. Heavy touring can take a toll on your mind and body, so in order to function properly (for most of the time) its ideal to come up with a rough game plan of how to stay on top of your general health for the duration of your trip. Some days you get lazy and have general fatigue, other days you might indulge in a cigarette or over-do the drinking. Sleeping on a bus with 16 other people can be apart of the job as well, and if someone else is sick you better up all your vitamins to make sure you don’t catch it as well.

It’s difficult to be grounded when you’re travelling (literally and metaphorically speaking) as your body is going through constant changes to diet and sleep. Around the time your body should be winding down getting ready to sleep, you are under bright stage lights and experiencing adrenaline. You are exposed to different weather conditions and the impact this all has on your body can put it under a reasonable amount of stress. Long story short, your body clock is a little out of whack. Everything can be outta whack with the daily changing routines. #tourlife

If you personally suffer from anxiety and are a light sleeper like me, when the little things slip the typical symptoms are exacerbated. A highly fragile and under slept version of myself can lead to me being emotionally unstable, and then if I get my period whilst experiencing these symptoms, I end up crashing. If you’re not careful, you can get brain fog, struggle with memory, get moody, struggle with basic day-to-day functions and the ability to make good choices. I have discovered it is absolutely paramount to try your best to keep your health in good check, especially on such a long stretch.

I have personally found that on the road, you can’t always get the correct vitamins and minerals from foods. I remember driving back to Sydney from Melbourne years go with a band I was in at the time. 4 people in a car with a drumkit, amps and guitars. We were sore from sleeping on the floor and on foldout couches in a basement in a friend’s house, and were driving with hangovers back to Sydney early morning for a gig that SAME night. (I look back now and go OMG WHY). We had a McDonalds brekkie, and then made pit stops at the service stations along the way. The next day I was so nauseous from being severely under slept and from having the contents of chips, lollies and a chiko roll sitting in my stomach. Urgh. At this point I realised that some forward planning and preparation would have been ideal to have some healthy snacks and not plan a gig the same day we were driving back.

So, that being said, constant touring can make you burn out. Late nights, booze, drugs, the emotional and physical drain from the gig – it’s all fun until you come crashing down. So, lets try and prevent even getting to that point.

I have narrowed down 4 essential supplements that I take on the road that help me perform better on a daily basis. The key to choosing supplements is understanding what works best for you individually and what your own health goals are. Of course there are a wide range of variables that influence your unique nutritional needs, so it could be an idea to get some blood tests to see if your deficient in anything and always check with a doctor before taking anything hectic. Also, pay attention to the type of vitamins you buy, make sure that shit is NOT synthetic.


Good for aiding sleep, period pain/cramps and mood regulation. Low magnesium levels can throw many of your body’s functions out the window. It can benefit both your mental and physical well-being. The body does not produce magnesium so we have to get it through diet or supplementing. This vitamin also helps regulate your nervous system. I would usually take magnesium before bedtime or if I am feeling anxious. I really noticed the difference.


Arma force is the known holy grail vitamin for touring musicians. Arma Force is a combination of Zinc, Echinacea, Vitamin C and Olive Leaf. Zinc helps your immune system fight off bacteria and viruses. I took this on a daily basis when I felt that I needed it. When we had a couple of days off in Washington half way through the tour, I felt a chest infection coming on. I just took roughly 8 of these a day plus a heck tonne of hydrolyte and ate really healthy warm food like pho (it was snowing!). It got me through.


I found a pro-biotic that you don’t have to refrigerate which is helpful for when you’re travelling in a car, but if you have a fridge then just do your research and find a good one. Kombucha is good as well as other fermented foods. Imbalance in your digestive system or imbalance of bacteria is linked to overall health and disease. If you happen to get sick on tour and end up vomiting or shitting your guts out, its important to replace all the good bacteria you have lost. Can be good to take also when you are eating weird and strange foods.

4. VITAMIN B or B12

Great for stress and nervous system support. Vitamin B plays a massive role in nerve function. You could even have Berocca to help with adrenal stress or try Flower Rescue Remedy. Sometimes when you are low on Vitamin B it can attribute to depression, mood, fatigue and poor memory. I would take this vitamin first thing in the morning to help me with my day and give me some energy. For someone who is likely to feel depressed, it can help to try and combat that with natural remedies as much as possible eg; exercise, meditation, staying on top of vitamin deficiencies.


On occasion I would also take these depending on if I felt I needed them. Remember, it is always better to try and get all your vitamins and minerals from the food you eat!

  • Vitamin D. We may as well be vampires on the road, going from the bus to the venue. If you have days where you can't get natural sunshine, take some vitamin D. Also, feeling tired, fatigued or depressed could be a sign of Vitamin D deficiency.

  • Vitamin A. Another good supplement for immune system support and is a source of antioxidants. You can get Vitamin A deficiency if you drink alot of alcohol.

  • Daily Greens. I would take this during a week of eating pasta, pizza, cheese and gelato in Italy until I went back to eating more salads.

  • B9. Another good supplement for aiding with adrenal function, maintaining your nervous system function and brain function.

  • 5 HTCP for mood or sleep regulation. Could be an alternative for anti-depressants and aids with low serotonin. There can be some side effects so always check with your doctor before taking anything.

  • Herbal teas are super effective and have a wide range of benefits. Chamomile, Green tea, Turmeric, Dandelion, Peppermint, Ginger, the list goes on.

  • Not a supplement, but in general drinking 3L water a day

  • Charcoal. I carry this is case of emergency, like if you get food poisoning. It's good to carry with you in case your in the middle of nowhere and don't have access to a doctor or pharmacy.

  • Liver Tonic (If you drink a little too much.)

All this advice is based on my own personal experience and I am not a health practitioner!

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